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Engine Overview

Engine interface

The engine is just a set of functions that run in sequence, in a continuous loop.

Engine Steps

Every loop, each function is in charge of making sure that the current state of the database matches the desired state. e.g. if a CUBED account has been created, the ensure_accounts_exist method ensures that an equivalent Conductor account is created.

Due to this design, the engine is intended to be self healing. If a crash or similar happens, the engine will just try again on the next iteration of the loop.

Here is an overview of what each engine methods do:

Method Name Description Creates/Removes
ensure_accounts_exist Ensures that conductors list of accounts is up to date with the central CUBED list (adding or removing rows) CommandAccount
ensure_cron_definitions_exist Ensures that definitions created from update_agg_pct_batch are up to date CommandDefinition
ensure_cron_definitions_dependencies_exist Ensures that dependencies listed in update_agg_pct_batch are up to date - based on the read_from/writes_to lists. CommandDefinitionDependency
ensure_slots_exist Ensures that slots are up to date based on definitions and accounts created in previous steps CommandSlot
ensure_runs_exist Creates any runs that are ready to be created, based on their start policies CommandRun
ensure_runs_timeout Checks for any running runs that haven't sent a heartbeat beyond a threshold, and sets their status to timeout CommandRun
ensure_retries_exist Creates runs for any failed runs, based on their retry policies CommandRun

ensure*cron*[n] methods

In the future, we would want to allow definitions to be created not just via update_agg_pct_batch but via other methods, such as JSON/YAML files.

To do this, we would want to:

  • Simplify the interface to ensure_definitions_exist/ensure_definitions_dependencies_exist
  • Add a way of configuring pluggable sources of definitions, e.g. UpdateAggPctBatchSource, JsonFileSource, YamlFileSource etc which the engine would use to generate the list of definitions

Running the engine

See the documentation on the engine agent for running the engine both locally and in production.