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KWR Mapped Market

When generating new keywords we have no way of knowing which market a keyword belongs to. To combat this we and/or the client populate a configuration table kwr_market_lookup with regular expressions which match a given path to a market. The update_kwr_mapped_market command will then use these regular expressions to map each path inside attrib_path to a market. The mapping is then inserted into kwr_mapped_market.


An example of a regular expression that matches all italian pages to the italian market is ^/it/.*$. This will match all paths that start with /it/ and have any number of characters after it. Moreover, if the client was entirely based in one market then we could utilise something like (.*?) to match all paths.

This particular command is integral to the AKWR pipeline, in particular, update_fabric_automated_kwr calls upon kwr_mapped_market for data so that when it analyses a given page it can determine which market the page belongs to, and by extension, which market the keywords belong to.