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Update Related and Rising Keywords (Gtrends)

Alongside sourcing keywords via OxyLabs and SEMRush, we can also pull in related and rising keywords from Google Trends. This is done via the update_related_and_rising_keywords_gtrends command.

Similar to update_kwr_semrush this command iterates over unique markets for the client and incorporates filters from kwr_config to ensure that only relevant keywords are pulled in. The specific filter used in update_related_and_rising_keywords_gtrends is gtrends_related_n which slices the related keywords to the top n results. Additionally, any keywords found that are also blacklisted in kwr_blacklist_keyword are removed. Finally, the command can be passed the --topic_specific flag which will only pull in related and rising keywords for a given topic.

Once the related and rising keywords have been pulled in, they are then inserted into their respective tables: seogd_market_keyword_source, seogd_gtrends_related_rising and seogd_gtrends_related_top