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Config Table

A component for displaying, editing and deleting configuration data.


                <ConfigTable.CellHeader />
                <ConfigTable.CellCheckbox />
                <ConfigTable.Cell />
                <ConfigTable.CellActions />
            <ConfigTable.ActionButton  />



Contains all parts of the table. Config table child components must be wrapped with this component.

Prop Type Default Description
status "pending" / "error" / "success" This will usually be the status returned from a react-query query


Equivalent of HTML <table>. Shows a loading spinner when status is loading, and error message when status is error.

Prop Type Default
maxHeight string 100%

Equivalent of a HTML <thead>.


Equivalent of a HTML <tbody>.


Equivalent of a HTML <tr>.

Prop Type Default Description
key string / number A row key should be unique


Equivalent of a HTML <th>.

Prop Type Default
textAlign "left" / "center" / "right" left


Equivalent of a HTML <td>.

Prop Type Default Description
textAlign left / center / right left
fitContent boolean false If true the cell column will shrink to fit its contents


A cell that provides inline 'edit' and 'delete' functionality to a row.

Prop Type Default Description
rowId number A unique identifier for the row
onEditClick function: (rowId) => void An event handler for edit click
onDeleteClick function: (rowId) => void An event handler for delete click


A cell containing a checkbox. Usually used to perform bulk actions.

Prop Type Default Description
rowId number A unique identifier for the row
checked boolean
onCheckedChange function: (rowId) => void


A container for bulk action buttons. Can be placed before or after a Table.


A button for performing a bulk action.

Prop Type Default Description
type "delete" "delete" *note: this button can be extended to allow other bulk actions
onClick function: () => void