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Documentation Server

We have two sets of documentation - internal documentation and tag documentation. Our internal documentation outlines all parts of our project and is there to support developers. Our tag documentation is for clients and agencies who are looking to implement our tag on their website, or looking for support with dash such as CSV uploads.

You will need to be on the VPN to access these urls. Both documentation can both be found in our attribution-internal-docs project in BitBucket.

Testing Your Documentation Changes

To test your documentation, if you've only made small changes, you can you VSCode to preview. However, if you've made page links etc, its best to use mkdocs serve.

Spin up your vagrant box and cd to either the internal docs folder (docs) or the tag docs folder (docs-tag) dependant on the documentation you're updating. From there, run mkdocs serve. You will be able to see your changes by visiting localhost:9001 for internal documentation or localhost:9002 for tag documentation.


You may be required to install mkdocs (sudo apt install mkdocs) if it's your first time vagrant up the project.