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Advanced Patterns

With Advanced Patterns we want to be able to move a Visit to a new Pattern Id (attrib_pattern) based on some rules.

The most basic idea here is to say:

if visit is Direct and has used a discount_code startingwith "mydiscount-":
    move to Affiliate

This would require 2 Conditions using a different function each.

visit_is_channel looking for the Direct referer_id X. visit_has_used_discount_code looking to startwith the value of "mydiscount-".

We would add to segmenter_pattern a new Rule with a name and description with the simple pattern: (1 and 2). Where 1 and 2 are Conditions we've made using the functions listed above.

Once the DPS/Segmenter box has pulled these latest Conditions and Rules, we will find any matching visits in segmenter_pattern_visit.