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Staging Deployment

The Bitbucket Pipelines for the DPS project will auto deploy to staging whenever a branch is merged to development. This means the staging environment should reflect the current state of development.
Each DPS application has its own server and URL to access it, read more below.


To test any of the DPS boxes you will need a valid vid and/or sid. All staging boxes point to the same attrib database on the staging DB server meaning you can use the DCS staging box at: to fire a hit at your chosen account, and then get a valid vid and sid in the response.


Once the pipeline has finished you can go to: please click the menu tab(s) "Segmenter" and/or "Advanced Patterns" as those are the only features this box will be supporting. For a successful response the account you choose will need to have either Segments or an Advanced Pattern setup.


Once the pipeline has finished you can go to: please click the menu tab "Visscore Prediction" as that is the only feature this box will be supporting. You should always get a successful response, though it might be all 0s for all product Ids.