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generate_generic_sale_journey(start_date, fuzzy_offset=10, revenue=100)

This returns a journey to be used with visit.create_pages. The journey will go from Home page all the way to Confirmation, adding a Sale Event. fuzzy_offset will alter each page view and event created from the previous timestamp starting from start_date. revenue will be used in the final sale_event.

v = Visitor(VisitDefaults.FIRST_VISIT.value, VisitDefaults.LAST_VISIT.value, account_token=AccountDefaults.TOKEN)   
v.create_visit('', Pattern.SEO.value, 1)\

generate_generic_journey(start_date, fuzzy_offset=10, journey_index=None)

This returns a random journey to be used with visit.create_pages. It will some times add a non sale event during the process.

v = Visitor(VisitDefaults.FIRST_VISIT.value, VisitDefaults.LAST_VISIT.value, account_token=AccountDefaults.TOKEN)   
v.create_visit('', Pattern.SEO.value, 1)\
    .create_pages(generate_generic_journey(start_date=v.first_visit, journey_index=1))

build_visitor_journey(channels, start_date, end_date, is_sale=False, channel_weighting=None)

This is a helper function to be used with generate_day_of_journeys. Given the properties passed in it will generate a Visitor with Visits and Pages from a Channel and give it either a sale or non-sale journey.

generate_day_of_journeys(connection, start_date=arrow.utcnow().floor('day'), end_date=arrow.utcnow().ceil('day'), fuzzy_offset=10, max_visitors=100, channel_weighting=[15, 30, 30, 5, 1, 10, 10, 5]):

This will build a day of journeys, with sale and non sale split by 20/80. The channel_weighting is relative to the Pattern, and will be used in that order. See Python's random.choices() for more information.

This means, given max_visitors of 100, 80 will be non sale journeys, and 20 will be sale. We only pass channel_weighting to the sale journey generator which means of the 20 sales: 15% will be Direct, 30% PPC and SEO etc...

This function will automatically insert these Visitors too, and returns 2 arrays of visitors: non_sale and sale.

non_sale_visitors, sale_visitors = generate_day_of_journeys(connection)