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Naming Schemes



Our test naming scheme is loosely based on this blog post and follows this format:


Tests must be prefixed with test to be picked up by unittest, the testing framework we are using in Django.


  • test__events__save__exists_in_database
  • test__update_seogd_awr__called_with_correct_date__exists_in_database
  • test__update_seogd_awr__called_with_incorrect_date__no_changes


This naming scheme is currently a draft.


Branch names

Branch names should follow this format:


Where <type> is one of (feat, fix, or hotfix) and <jira_id> is the branches related JIRA ticket ID. This allows branches to be automatically linked to JIRA tickets.


Features are the most common type that is used. It used for general feature changes to the product, cleaning up tech debt, etc.

  • feat/CB-42
  • feat/CB-123
  • feat/CB-42-extra-information

Fixes are the second most common type. This is used for general bug fixes.

  • fix/CB-42
  • fix/CB-123
  • fix/CB-42-extra-information

Hotfixes are the least common type and should be used sparingly. A hotfix is used to signify this branch has additional time pressure when in PR etc (e.g. a live issue)

  • hotfix/CB-42
  • hotfix/CB-123
  • hotfix/CB-42-extra-information


This naming scheme is currently a draft.