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Directory structure


The directory structure for mocks should match the structure of the URL they are mocking.

For example, if we were to mock the URL /api/config/account-user/, the correct path for the mock would be /playwright/api/config/account-user.ts

If the URL to be mocked includes parameters /api/account/0, the parameters do not have to be represented in the directory structure. In this case the mock file would be /playwright/mocks/api/account.js and may export a method such as mockGetAccountById().


# /api/config/accounts/users


# /api/config/account-user/

# /api/client/integrations/facebook/fetch-accounts/1/

# /api/report/report-page-speed/


All actual tests, i.e. the ones that use the Playwright test() method should live in the /playwright/tests/ directory.

If the Playwright test is for a page on the CUBED dashboard, it should be live the pages subdirectory (i.e. /playwright/tests/pages).

The directory structure for these tests should match the URL being tested. The account token (e.g. c-a-client-uk) can be omitted from the directory structure if it exists.

For example, if you were to test the URL /c-a-client-uk/reports/dashboard, the correct path for the test would be /playwright/tests/pages/reports/dashboard.spec.ts

The .spec.ts suffix is required to be discovered by Playwright.


# BAD: Account token included

# BAD: Missing `.spec.ts` suffix

# BAD: Not in `pages` subdirectory

